Hi everybody, one regular client of Veronica’s has written me an email that i’d like to share with her permission. It’s regarding a series of predictive dreams her family has had and how these correlate with some of the information she has found from her own research. I’m presenting this for informational purposes only, like with any dreams it is not necessarily to be taken literally, but it is interesting. We’ll see how things unfold here in the years ahead.
“I spoke prior of my husband going into the records and speaking of particulates they would spread in the air and then blame it on a comet. He said they were spreading this debris to lower peoples immune systems right before they release a virus. We also spoke of more diseases coming like in May of 2024 and 2025 and hard lockdowns 2026.
Well I have more information to speak of that came in the form of dreams. My daughter dreamt black govt jets were dropping a gray ashy substance that covered the ground. Cars were swerving and it killed the crops as soon as it fell on them. Then the internet went down and we knew SHTF. I wondered if this correlated to the particulates my husband spoke about prior.
Then my husband dreamt that he was a wealthy elite living in a mansion on a beach. He went to take his children along the beach for a walk when he saw a huge platform that said Tsuchinshan Evacuation Platform. Upon googling he found this was a comet coming in October 2024. This may be the comet that will be blamed for the particulates.
This information seems prophetic because Alura Cein has mentioned talk about a comet and Steven Ben-Nun on Israeli news live spoke of a disease coming that they will blame on a comet but he thought it was something they already obtained from perma frost and Veronica Jayne who also can tap into the records picked up on an off world disease that would burn through the population that had no immunity. So there’s def stuff coming. Be prepared mentally physically spiritually and the golden rule treat neighbor as self don’t become a beast fighting for survival because that’s never good for the consciousness in a time where humans are being dumbed down.
But yea so according to our dreams and going into the records it seems spread from govt but the agenda will blame it on off-world even though there seems to be a real comet and asteroids coming that will also wreak havoc. But you know they never waste a good opportunity”
…and that’s it! What do you think? Leave a comment if you like.